
Monday, December 16, 2013

VS Angel's Beauty Secrets

Mzia Shiman, the model's go-to beauty expert, has shared her top skincare secrets behind the model's flawless complexions! 

1. Facial

Mzia Shiman says that a facial customized to your skin type is must! You should get your facial at least one week before your event to truly see all the benefits.

I go to Facelogic. It is a membership-based facial clinic, where an aesthetician will perform a facial monthly! One session of a signature facial will include a cleanse, steam mask, exfoliation, extraction and relaxation massage. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my facials! Since, I am still in school, I can no longer get them monthly, but really look forward to my facials when I can go. I feel as though facials should not be done only before events. They should be done regularly to look out and prevent any damage to the skin, to clear the pores and for ultimate relaxation and pampering. 

2. At Home Regiment

Mzia champions the use of the KeSARI clay mask, especially in the winter. She loves Decleor's Hydra Floral moisturizing team, which she says works well for everyone as it's light and super hydrating. 

I will mask my face at least twice a week. This is my "me" time. It is at least ten minutes of my day where I just put on a mask, light a candle, lay back and enjoy the quiet ten minutes of my busy life. They do wonders for my skin. I will use any mask from a clay mask, de-stress mask, or a pore-cleansing mask. I use all brands from Mary Kay to small packets that can be found at Walmart or Ulta. And as I've said this before, it is extremely important to keep your skin moisturized. No, I don't use a fancy or expensive product. I use St. Ives, and it has done the trick. This larger sized container costs around $5 at Walmart and I apply it daily before I apply makeup. This will not only benefit short-term, but also it prevents wrinkles!!

3. Exfoliation

Leading up to your big event, Mzia says to exfoliate! Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin radiant and smooth. It also promotes new skin cell growth. Mzia loves to exfoliate with a gentle scrub an then use a pore refining mask, like the KeSari Indian Clay Masque. 

I too exfoliate at least 2-3 a week. Again, I don't find it necessary to use a fancy or expensive product. Olay has plenty of different types of exfoliating products that will get the job done. Olay also has a variety you can choose from, depending on your skin type. I also will use my Olay spin brush that is similar to the technology of a Clarisonic, but saved me more money! This gives me a boost to my exfoliating scrub and gives a deep-clean feel!

4. Hydration and Cleanse

Mzia believes in drinking extra water prior to your big event and that you are cleansing your face avidly. Hydrate from the inside out. She is partial to Smart Water, but obviously any water will keep you hydrated and your skin feeling and looking its best. 

I would love to lie to you all and say I never go to sleep with my makeup on. But it is super important to not put aside cleansing your face before going to bed at all, any day. I really wish I could always abide by this unspoken rule, but sometimes I feel too lazy to completely wash my face before I hit my soft sinking bed. But I do put a small glass of water on my bedside table, so that must count for something. 

Image via

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